Wednesday 15 April 2009

Draft picks fail to excite

The WWE draft picks last Monday didn't particularly interest me.

As of late most of the big name wrestlers have been working overtime by appearing on Raw and Smackdown so the decision to move Triple H to Monday nights seems insignificant.

The fact that he is going to appear on Smackdown this week against two other supposedly Raw superstars, Rhodes and Di Biase, further backs up this statement.

It seems to me like Triple H was drafted purely to get a 'pop' from the crowd. I don't see the point of that because it's not like he is the most popular face to grace the company.

The most significant change up was the separation of Miz and Morrison. For me this is big as one of these guys is going to get a massive singles push and it should be Morrison. Read my recent post about why

It is slightly disappointing as they were such a good tag team but having been together for quite a while I suppose it's about time for a change.

I am surprised they have been moved onto different brands and presumably the writers aren't going to go with the customary 'lets see who is better' angle when a tag team break up.

I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what the have planned for the pair of them.
Without a doubt the most boring draft pick has to go to Kane. He hasn't had a decent story line for so long now and it is a case of just waiting for June when he will be retiring from the ring.

Finally a mention must go to Jerry Lawler for mixing up the names of John Cena and Jack Swagger during their match. He called the ECW champion John Swagger which I found very amusing. The best thing is that no-one corrected him!


  1. I was also underwhelmed by the 'Draft' and really felt it added nothing.

    Jerry Springer is a respected commentator and wrestler and everyone is allowed to make mistakes Mark. Perhaps you would not 'merk' him if he was going to use one of his famous piledrivers on you.

  2. Hi Matt, you must have been watching too much day time TV as the commentator is actually called Jerry Lawler.

  3. It was just an example of everyone making mistakes! I doubt Jerry Springer could pile drive anyone
