Sunday 19 April 2009

My favourite wrestling moves

As a young lad I used to wrestle against my little brother on my parent's bed and I was a massive believer of finishing him with a pedigree (seen above).

If we rolled back the years and had another match I would still use this move to end the contest providing he would let me win of course. He is now 18 and persuading him to lose to me may prove slightly more difficult.

Although I don't like Triple H anymore due to his face turn, the pedigree is still one of the most effective finishers ever. The sight of someone having their arms hooked and then their face slammed into the canvas is very powerful and looks like it would hurt.

Unfortunately this theory was proven to be true when in year 7 (1999) my form had a massive wrestling match in the classroom and someone performed a pedigree which went wrong. The lad in question left school to go to hospital in a neck brace but fortunately was OK.

Another move which was particularly popular throughout my early senior school days was the vertical suplex (pictured below). A very standard move to watch on TV but when the two biggest lads in your class are holding someone up in the air in a suplex position as a teacher walks in the room it becomes very entertaining. I don't think the teacher in question could quite believe his eyes.

There have been many great finishing moves throughout the years including The Rock's Rock Bottom, Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music, Steve Austin's Stone Cold Stunner and more recently Randy Orton's RKO.

The defining quality in all these maneuvers is that they can be applied out of nowhere. Surprising the audience is the best way to create excitement and that is exactly what happens when these finishers are executed.


  1. After watching Wrestlemania, the Tombstone should be up there with Sweet Chin Music too!

  2. Yeh the tombstone has to be up there with the best. Although I suppose it's not often performed quickly. I was a big fan of the 'Master Lock' by Chris Masters!
