Tuesday 7 April 2009

I hate sledgehammers

I said we could possibly witness one of the best Wrestlemanias of all time and I think I got a little too excited with that prediction.

This was a really good pay-per-view however it wasn't amazing mainly because the two title matches simply weren't thought out well enough.

I think it was absolutely criminal to set up the ending to Wrestlemania with a sledgehammer shot. What an outrageous decision and I think the writers really need to get over using that 'iconic' weapon.

It made Triple H look weak as he wasn't able to beat Orton without cheating. I know Triple H has a lot of say behind the scenes and why on earth he would want to win the main event like that is beyond me. Orton was built up so much in the run up and to have him lose in a mediocre match like that seems completely pointless.

The encounter between Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker was so good that it set up the preceding matches for a fall. Everyone wanted the same level of emotion and it just could not be re-created particularly with the world title match ending so suddenly.

These two legends showed everyone how it's done and had the every single person in the crowd in the palm of their hands. The match structure was just perfect with a number of brilliant moves, counters and unexpected kick outs and it will go down in history as one of the best ever.

I must mention how good the performance of Ricky Steamboat was. I was wondering before hand who out of the legends would work the majority of the match and I soon got my answer. The beginning was awful but when Steamboat got in the ring he showed that he had kept himself in shape and could still pull off a great match.

The match between the Hardy brothers wasn't as good as I though it was going to be. When Jeff came out I immediately felt that he should be involved in a title match and not some meaningless poorly plugged battle with his not so popular brother.

My overall rating for Wrestlemania is 7/10. Do you agree or disagree?

1 comment:

  1. Thats a fair rating I think. Steamboat is still a quality wrestler and I'm buzzing at the fact he's having a match at Backlash with Jericho.
