Sunday 15 March 2009

Another former wrestler dies

The glitz and glamour of being a professional wrestler is seriously put into perspective when you count up how many ex-stars have died.

Andrew 'Test' Martin, 33, is the latest in a long line to have passed away and the profession is certainly looking more and more like a death trap.

The cause is currently unknown but by looking at the physique of Martin you would certainly suspect steroid use had something to do with it.

He had recently spoken on his Myspace page comparing the use of them to a facelift or botox.

This will surely play on the minds of many young men who are looking to get into the business as it looks like once you join the wrestling circuit, its tough to break out of and in time heath problems arise.

I can sympathise with the men that turn to steroids though as it must be extremely difficult to be on the road performing for 300 days a year.

It seems the use of them is simply what a wrestler is nurtured into due to the demands of the schedule and otherwise they wouldn't be able please all their fans around the world.

There was a wrestler I watched from the years of 1993-95 called Lex Luger and had an all American feel good gimmick. Now age 50 he walks with a zimmer frame and his wife died from a drugs overdose in 2003. She mixed anabolic steroids and two other pain relieving drugs with vodka.


  1. Stefan 'Benoit' Curtis21 April 2009 at 14:09

    Another drugs related tragedy, so sad. I think that these wrestlers need to take a step back and realise what they are doing to their bodies and also appreciate the sadness of their families should they die.

    RIP Test.

  2. Drugs are an important part of wrestling though. Like it or not, that is what gives them their appearance!

  3. Stefan 'Benoit' Curtis21 April 2009 at 14:12

    Hmm, i think you are wrong. Drugs should not be an important part of any sport. Steroids are just a short cut for the hard work that should go on in the gym. I know that it is a tough profession, but it is a profession that they have chosen for themselves.

  4. if you chose to put that crap in your body sorry there is only gunna ever be one outcome. i have no sympathy
