Friday 13 March 2009

My favourite wrestlers :: Bret Hart

There aren't many men who could get away with wearing a pink and black outfit and labeling themselves 'the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be'.

Bret Hart however could pull this is off and he is without a doubt my childhood hero. I worshipped the ground he walked on as did many other children throughout the 90's.

There were a number of things about Bret that generated his large fan base. He wore iconic pink glasses to the ring and before matches he would always hand these to a child on the front row which is very crowd pleasing.

The Hart family was and still is such a famous stable and Bret was the leader of it. He did such a good job of portraying his in ring character as he was simply being himself. He was a true professional with unbelievable charisma and confidence yet he wasn't in your face.

He really came across as a nice person and this can be confirmed by the number of wrestlers who said how good it was to work with him.

Bret's entrance was electric with an unforgettable them tune and I particularly remember the manner in which he walked emphatically to the ring with his arms out by his side knowing he was the main man.

His wrestling was of the top draw and he had a number of memorable matches against a host of different wrestlers. He prides himself on having never injured anyone he has fought against which doesn't surprise me one bit as he was a technically brilliant wrestler.

Despite much controversy Bret was inducted into the 2006 hall of fame and gave an emotional speech. He ended it with a quote which I think sums him up completely.

"The best chance you have if you want to rise to the top is to give yourself up to lonliness, fear nothing and work hard.

"One thing that you will discover is that life is based less than you think on what you have learned and much more on what you have inside you right from the beginning."

Take a look at the video here.


  1. Stefan 'Benoit' Curtis21 April 2009 at 14:00

    Brett remains a cult hero for many Wrestling fanatics. He is one of the greatest.

    I always used to enjoy the antics of Chris Benoit but when I think about what he did to his wive and child I am ashamed of my allegiances. In my mind, Benoit is no better than Hitler, and I am essentially a reformed Nazi.

    Rikishi is now my all time greatest wrestler.

  2. m8 brett hard is literally so cult lad. One of the all time top heroes he was around when i first started watching WWF.
