Sunday 8 March 2009

Start :: Game - My introduction

Welcome to my new blog 'Wrestling for Life'.

The reasoning behind this name is that I have followed WWF/WWE since I was four years old and believe that I will always be interested in this company and everything surrounding it. The story lines aren't always the best but when you have a number of talented individuals delivering the product interest will always be generated.

I think that the reason why the WWE and other wrestling companies appeal to so many people young and old is that you can interpret what is happening in so many ways. Young fans lap up all the action and want their favourite babyface (good) wrestlers to win without thinking about what happens behind the scenes.

Older fans however do not always follow the faces and often enjoy watching the heel (bad) wrestlers win. They also form opinions as to what they want to see happen which is not necessarily what they get. They believe they know who should get a push into the main event and blame the writers if they do not like what they see similarly to any television series.

Everyone knows that wrestling is staged however this does not stop it from creating unforgettable moments just as professional sport does which is why audiences will continue to grow.

One of my most vivid memories from my youth is watching a back lot brawl between Roddy Piper and Goldust at Wrestlmania 12 in 1996 age 8. This match involved Goldust trying to run Piper over in his car and it was the first time I had seen blood on screen. When watching this match I was extremely scared and had one hand over my eye, a technique which I still use from time to time when watching movies.

I have had a vast amount of practice in wrestling moves through fighting my younger brother and a large teddy bear on beds down the years. Titles changed hands very abruptly and matches usually consisted of me doing moves on my brother as he was considerably smaller. They say don't try this at home but I don't know many people who haven't tried a move before.

My aim is for this blog to cover every aspect of wrestling including WWE past and present and the English wrestling scene. I will also look at the positives and negatives of children watching wrestling.

This picture shows me with my arm raised at my first live event in 1994 at the Albert Hall in London.

1 comment:

  1. "Everyone knows that wrestling is staged however this does not stop it from creating unforgettable moments just as professional sport does which is why audiences will continue to grow."

    "Eastenders is staged and fake, and you still love that!" - Is the statement I used to make at school when people took this piss out of my pure unadulterated Jerichoholicism.
