Sunday 22 March 2009

My first impression of the English wrestling scene

There appears to be a lot of small promotions out there all over the country which barely have a budget due to very low exposure.

Here, the first problem is encountered as without a budget to promote a product there is never going to be many people coming to watch. Therefore revenue is not generated and expansion opportunities are very limited. Having little money also effects everything connected with the product including quality of wrestlers, training facilities, training equipment and show equipment.

So in terms of making money there appears to be little opportunity which is highlighted by the fact that Simon Platt's WAR promotion is non-profitable and is more of a hobby than a job.

The WAR promotion attracts a crowd of around 200 people which is almost a sell out as events are held in small venues like school gyms. From what I have heard 200 people is enough to create an atmosphere and all a wrestler needs to get a buzz out of performing which brings me to my next thought.

I was slightly surprised by the fact that it seems to be reasonably easy to become a wrestler and work a show. The smaller the size of the promotion the more likely someone is to be considered as they need people to fill their card. So effectively you could have a situation where a poor quality wrestler is told to do his stuff in the ring but then endangers his opponent due to lack of experience and or talent.

Proper professional training is not used and it appears that move and bump techniques have been passed on from others. This is fine however when things are passed on, they get changed and this could be the case.

If I was a wrestler involved in the independent circuit I would be slightly concerned for my well being if I knew that I had never been professionally trained.

You don't see it when watching on a screen but some of the moves performed are very dangerous and even if you get a move slightly wrong injuries can be caused. Simon Platt told me of a wrestler who dislocated his shoulder after being German suplexed because he landed slightly wrong.

There is a small margin for error in the ring which many do not realise.

1 comment:

  1. It is worrying that English wrestlers do not have proper training. Injuries must occur frequently on these small promotions.
